To become a billionaire, you need to benefit 1 billion people. How WealthTech helps with this
To become a billionaire, you need to benefit 1 billion people. I heard this idea in 2017 at an event at Singularity University (California, USA), where I was studying

Max Koretskiy
Financial expert, Investor, Blackshield Capital Cо-Founder
I remembered it as it inspired me a lot. My interest in the technology sector brought me to Silicon Valley. I believed in this industry — both as a businessman, and as a visionary, and as an asset manager.
Currently, the next stage of technology development in the field of finance is WealthTech. When the foundation is prepared, i.e. the basic financial transactions for a large number of people are digitized, one can go further and digitize the asset management process. What global problem of 1 billion people can be solved by developing projects in the field of WealthTech? What about the problem of financial inequality in the world? At first glance, too ambitious a statement, but let's try to figure it out.
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